2025 And Beyond

I’ve been getting DMs on LinkedIn recently about my website. Yes, this website. The current website you see that is literally just a blog. If you see something fancy or at the very least thought out, then this post is too old.

Do I have a portfolio? Yes! On Behance! And if you want to see what I made 6 years ago before my current role as Product Designer at Ford, then by all means check it out at: https://www.behance.net/cliffnowicki It has that nice, 2019 feel to it right?

I do plan on making this my portfolio site sometime this year, I really do. For now, I’m still in family mode and putting my backlog of thoughts together for the future. I promise I’ll be making a focus on design soon. I have over 22 workings years of experience that I’d love to share to the world.

Until that time happens, I’m content with just being great at my job, a father to 5 kids and a gamer.