
  • 2025 And Beyond

    I’ve been getting DMs on LinkedIn recently about my website. Yes, this website. The current website you see that is literally just a blog. If you see something fancy or at the very least thought out, then this post is too old.

    Do I have a portfolio? Yes! On Behance! And if you want to see what I made 6 years ago before my current role as Product Designer at Ford, then by all means check it out at: It has that nice, 2019 feel to it right?

    I do plan on making this my portfolio site sometime this year, I really do. For now, I’m still in family mode and putting my backlog of thoughts together for the future. I promise I’ll be making a focus on design soon. I have over 22 workings years of experience that I’d love to share to the world.

    Until that time happens, I’m content with just being great at my job, a father to 5 kids and a gamer.

  • New Updates

    I’m slowly putting this site back together. There were a few issues with my previous hosting, where the SSL just wasn’t working, and I wasn’t able to add it due to server issues. So, I moved it to a hosting service that gives the SSL for free. So now everything is good, and it’s safe to view without the red warning signs of not having an SSL Certificate.

    I added my Behance portfolio as the only link currently in the menu. I’ve honestly not touched my Behance since I started working at my current job over 5 years ago. However, it’s there for anyone to enjoy viewing it. I have a few small things I’m currently working on that I plan on putting up there.

    As I build this site, I will add projects I’m working on along with other things focused on Design, Product Design, UX Design, Game Design and well, design. See the trend?

  • New Site.

    If you can read this, congratulations! You found this site during my transition phase from one hosting service to another.

    What will this site be about when it’s finished? Design. Plain and simple.